среда, 2 июля 2014 г.

free Bank Balance Widget torrent download

Bank Balance Widget


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This is a widget for showing your ** WELLS FARGO ** bank balance for any two of your accounts. This app does NOT require any of you personal data. It uses Wells Fargo text (SMS) banking to retrieve your balances.

This Widget will not work for any other bank than Wells Fargo.

You need to have the text banking set up at WellsFargo.com before this will work. Once you have account nicknames assigned you can use this widget to update the widget at a desired frequency.

Go to this link to setup your accounts:


Keep in mind that the more often you want updates the more text messages you will use. Check with your carrier to see how many messages your account allows. The recommended setting is 12 hours, this will send about 60 messages per month.

Please report any known errors...

Download .apk

Queen is not the only one who has changed. Occur even though his best friend, Tommy Merlyn may have the same immature rake it once was, Queen 's former girlfriend, Laurel , now a scrappy legal aid attorney, and it is less than with the Queen the Resurrection look, in the moments before he was lost at sea, Queen had with Laurel 's sister, Now he's back then drowned Bank Balance Widget apk free download .

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