Sailtracker Polar AIS NMEA PRO
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Sailtracker is an application that collects NMEA data in real time from network electronics navigating of a boat through 3G/WiFi or Bluetooth, allowing you to record and export the information obtained during the session, the route and the polar.
You can use it in combination or alone of the internal GPS Android smartphone to get
position, speed and heading instead of using the data from the ship, as proof mechanism, or if you do not have a data connection onboard NMEA.
Sailtracker also allows display NMEA AIS information received by the AIS transceiver of your boat or using Wifi/3G or Bluetooth connection.
Sailtracker shows the position coordinates, Speed over ground (SOG), Course over ground (COG), GPS Time, True Heading, Magnetic Heading, Apparent and True Wind Speed and Angle, Depth, Temperature, active Waypoint, VMG, ETA ...
Record waypoints and calculate target distance, VMG, and estimated time of arrival at the destination or regatta mark.
Sailtracker compute polar based on angle and true wind speed, calculated from apparent wind and boat speed obtained by GPS (COG).
Sailtracker includes NMEA depth alarm and anchor, and a countdown timer to output regattas.
Features exclusive version "PRO"
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- Export of recorded session to .kml file to show it on Google Earth
- Scaling of AIS icons to show the actual size of the vessels
- Displays the complete Polar
- Allows you to record more than 5 sessions
- Export the session data saved in text mode email or other means.
- Export the image of polar
- Can be installed on SD-Card
Version 2.0 r20
New screen for wind; show VMG Wind, VMG Waypount; Lines waypoint; bug fixes
AIS's icons update to real size.
r.10 Bug fixes
- Added internal database to store data obtained by AIS vessels, allowing a faster visualization and data presentation.
- Fixed AIS information on ETA, Length, Beam and Draught.
- Added default option to calculate the True Wind locally based on Apparent Wind and GPS data.
- Added option to show default position coordinates in degrees and minutes format (dd ° mm, mmmm ') in waypoints and router marks.
- Added waypoint control on Tab Map
- Permit save a Master Polar to use on VMG computing
- Layouts changed to show on different screen sizes
- VMG optimized to show the best angle to destination based on saved Master and Real Polar
- Fix alarms bugs
- AIS: Added Lenght, Beam and Draught
- Google Play Services (automatic launch from application)
- Google Maps instalado
It requires Android 4.0 or higher.
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