среда, 2 июля 2014 г.

download KIDS PRESCHOOL PUZZLES free android app



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WIZ KID is Kids Preschool learning puzzle games kit for 2 - 6 year old kids. App contains all the type of kids interactive learning games.


✔ ALPHABETS Learning :- Teach the kids about alphabets with images with interactive sound [age - 2 - 4 ]

✔ MATCH LETTER :- Kids can identify the big letters with matching small letters. Its interactive game where kids are given 4 random big letters and matching small letter and kids have to match all by drag and drop them in correct matching letters [age 2 - 4 ]

✔ BETWEEN LETTERS :- This game help kids to learn alphabets with in between letters in random orders. Its interactive and kids has to drag and drop the correct in between letter in random option. [age 2 - 4 ]

✔ RHYME WORDS :- This game ask the question about rhyme word sound like and it gives options where kids has to identify the rhyme words sound similar. Its voice interaction game where kids can learn rhyme words [age 4 - 6]

✔ SPELLING BEGINNER :- This game help kids to improve spelling by seeing picture. Game shows a picture and ask kids to arrange spelling in correct order for beginner it give few options to match like it gives 2 - 3 words to match where it give random hint. [ age 4 -6 ]

✔ SPELLING :- This game is same as above but in this game kids has to arrange all the shuffled letters in correct order by seeing picture. It also has voice interaction where touching picture will say the word.


✔ SORTING / GROUPING :- Its interactive game where kids has to sort a particular group of pictures like animals, birds. Its drag and drop game where kids has to drag and stick on board. Its voice interactive and it says each image. [ age 2 - 5 ]

✔ IMAGE PUZZLE :- its image puzzle game where a image is sliced in to 4 or 9 pieces and kids has to arrange it in correct order. Its build in few picture and kids can select any picture from phone gallery and play with it. It has option to select 4 slices or 9 slices and image hint where if image is too complicate to solve. [ age 2 - 6 ]

✔ OPPOSITE WORDS :- Its a interactive game of matching opposite words. A image with word is given below and voice interactions will helps to identify and understand opposite words. Its drag and drop game. [ age 2 - 6 ]

✔ SHAPES/ COLORS :- Its a game with shapes and color identification [age 2 - 5 ]

✔ DIFFERENT IMAGE :- Its a observation game where 4 pictures are given and in that one picture will be different from the other. kid has to identify which is the different picture. It helps to improve kids observation. [ age 2 - 6 ]

✔ PATTERN MATCHING :- It is advance observation game where 2 - 3 different series of picture are given in that one will be missing and kid has to identify the matching pattern image. This helps kids in problem solving technique. [ age 3 - 6 ]


✔ LEARN NUMBERS :- Its teaches kids of numbers up to 20. Its voice interaction and it says the number on touch of number. [ age 2 - 4 ]

✔ COUNTING :- Its counting game where it shows 1 - 20 stars in random order where kids has to count and select the correct option. It says and the show the count when touches each star. [ age 2 - 4 ]

✔ ADD / SUBTRACTION :- Its simple math game where kids has to play with simple calculation maths. [ age 4 - 6 ]


✔ MEMORY GAME :- its most kids loving game also called memory game which kids loves to play. Game contains different difficulty level where kids can choose according to his/her ability. [ age 3 - 6 ]

✔ PAINTING :- its freehand drawing board where kids love to draw with there hands by colorful pencils and background. You can save your kinds painting for his/her future reference. [ age 3 - 6 ]

✔ BUZZ BEE :- Its hide and seek game where bee will pop from honeycomb and kid has to hit the bee. some time bomb will pop where it has to avoid if it hits then it blast.

NOTE : always update the app so that you can get more features.

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